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May 27, 2006
Hello everyone. My first ANY SERIES request thread was very successful and I was able to help many viewers find dramas. This is the 2nd version of the first thread, but new and IMPROVED.

When requesting, please provide both CHINESE / ENGLISH names!
For those who doesn't check the link above, will get post deleted.

Please Use Thanks Button!
Feb 19, 2006
List by PA members (Last update: 16/07/11)

1 Litre Of Tears - 一公升的眼淚 (2005)
100% Senorita / Twin Sisters - 千金百分百 (2004)

A Friend In Need - 飛躍霓裳 (1988)
A Kindred Spirit - 真情 (1995)
A Love to Kill - 這該死的愛情 (2005)
A Man Who Lives Twice - 再續隔世情 / 一屋兩鬼三人行 (1994)
A Mobile Love Story - 愛情佔線 (2008)
A New Life - 命運迷宮 (1988)
A Recipe For The Heart - 美味天王 (1997)
A Road And A Will - 香港人在廣州 (1997)
A Step Into The Past - 尋秦記 (2001)
A Taste Of Love - 美味情緣 (2001)
All About Boy'z & TWINS - 一起喝彩 (2004)
All About Tin - 魔刀俠情 (1993)
Ambition - 孽吻 (1996)
Anti Crime Squad - 反黑先鋒 (1999)
Armed Reaction - 陀槍師姐 (1997)
Armed Reaction - 陀槍師姐II (2000)
Armed Reaction III - 陀槍師姐III (2001)
Armed Reaction IV - 陀教师姐IV (2003)
As Sure As Fate - 師奶強人 (1998)
At Point Blank - 婚姻乏術 (2006)
At the Threshold of an Era - 創世紀 (1999) & At The Threshold Of An Era II - 創世紀II 天地有情 (2000)
Athena: Goddess of War - 雅典娜:戰爭女神 (2010)

Back of The Past Spring - 春去春又回 (2009)
Blue Love - 佳期如夢 (2010)
Book and Sword, Gratitude and Revenge - 書劍恩仇錄 (2002)

Cain And Abel - 該隱與亞伯 (2009)
Calling Love - 麻雀愛上鳳凰 (2007)
Chess Warriors - 棋武士 (2000)
Chinese Paladin - 仙剑奇侠传 (2004)
Chinese Paladin 3 - 仙劍奇俠傳之靈珠神劍 (2009)
Chor Lau Heung - 楚留香 (1979)
Chor Lau Heung - 楚留香傳奇 (2007)
Chronicles Of The Shadow Swordsman - 萍蹤俠影錄 (1985)
Chun Mun Kong Chuen Kei - 晉文公傳奇 (1988)
Cinderella Man - A貨貴公子 (2009)
Coincidentally - 撞到正 (1997)
Corruption Doesn't Pay - 廉政英雄之火槍柔情 (1994)
Creating Destiny - 創造情緣 (2009)
Crimes Of Passion - 掃黃先鋒 (1998)
Cross Border Daddy - 爸爸兩邊走 (2004)
Cruel Temptation - 妻子的誘惑 (2008)

Dalja's Spring - 達子的春天 (2008)
Dark Tales 1 - 聊齋 1 (1996)
Dark Tales 2 - 聊齋 2 (1998)
Deadly Protection - 保護證人組 (1997)
忘情闊少爺 - Debts of a Lifetime (1995)
Defendant Of Love / Jam Loey Rak - 愛的被告 (2008)
Detective Investigation Files II - 刑事偵緝檔案II (1995)
Detective Investigation Files III - 刑事偵緝檔案III (1997)
Detective Investigation Files IV - 刑事偵緝檔案IV (1999)
Dream of Colours - 下一站彩虹 (2004)
Dynasty - 大内群英 (1980)

East of Eden - 伊甸之東 (2008)
Emperor Wu of Han / Han Wu Da Di - 漢武帝 (2005)

Fate Of The Last Empire - 清宮氣數錄 (1994)
File of Justice - 壹號皇庭 (1992)
File of Justice II - 壹號皇庭II (1993)
File of Justice III - 壹號皇庭III (1994)
File of Justice IV - 壹號皇庭IV (1995)
File of Justice V - 壹號皇庭V (1997)
Find The Light - 英雄‧刀‧少年 (2003)
First Wives Club - 好老婆大聯盟 (2009)
Fist of Hero - 中華大丈夫 (1998)
Flowers In Storm - 暴雨梨花 (2007)
Food Of Love - 闔府統請 (1996)
Forrest Cat - 肥貓正傳 (1997)
Four Women Conflict / Suo Qing Qiu - 天地不容 之 鎖清秋 (2009)
From Act to Act - 娛樂插班生 (1995)

General Father, General Son - 薛丁山征西 (1985)
Glass Slippers / Shoes - 玻璃鞋 (2002)
Gods Of Honour - 封神榜 (2001)
Goku Dou High School - 極道學園 (2006)
Golden Era of Daughter in Law - 師奶愛鬥大 (2008)
Golden Snake Sword - 金蛇郎君(1992)
Gumiho: Tale Of The Fox's Child / Nine Tailed Fox - 九尾狐的復仇 (2010)
Gun and Glory - 槍神 (1993)

Happily Ever After - 金玉滿堂 (1999)
Happy Spirit - 開心女鬼 (1985)
Healing Hands II - 妙手仁心II (2000)
Healing Hands III - 妙手仁心 III (2005)
Heaven's Retribution - 天網 / 還看今朝 (1990)
Hello Miss - Hello 小姐 (2007)
Heroic Legend Of The Yang's Family - 碧血青天楊家將 (1994)
Hui Niang Wan Xin - 徽娘宛心 (2006)

I Can't Accept Corruption - 廉政追缉令 (1997)
I Do? - 幸福的抉擇 (2008)
I Have A Date With Spring - 我和春天有個約會 (1995)
I'm Sorry, I love You - 對不起,我愛你 (2005)
In The Realms of Joy - 天上凡間 (1990)
Into Thin Air - 人間蒸發 (2005)
Incurable Traits- 醫神華佗 (1999)
It Runs In The Family - 孖仔孖心肝 (1990)

Jin Da Ban / The Last Night Of Madurl Chin - 金大班 (2009)
Journey of Love - 親恩情未了 (1994)
Journey To The West I - 西遊記 (1996)
Journey To The West 2 - 西遊記2 (1998)
Just Love - 老婆大人 (2005)
Justice Junior 九品芝麻官 (2005)
Justice Sung - 狀王宋世傑 (1997)
Justice Sung II - 狀王宋世傑(貳) (1999)

King of Baking, Kim Tak Goo - 麵包王金卓求 (2010)
King of Gamblers - 千王之王重出江湖 (1996)
Knock Knock Loving You - 敲敲愛上你 (2009)
Knot To Treasure - 婚姻物語 (1994)
Kung Fu Soccer - 功夫足球 (2004)

Lady Fan - 烽火奇遇結良緣 (1994)
Lady Flower Fist - 苗翠花 (1997)
Lady Stealer - 女俠丁叮噹 (2002)
Legend - A Dream Nurld Desire - 美麗傳說 (2000)
Legend - A Dream Nurld Desire 2 - 美麗傳說2 (2005)
Legend Of The Dragon Pearl - 走路新郎哥 (1990)
Legend Of The General Who Never Was - 薛仁貴征東 (1985)
Life For Life - 命轉情真 (1999)
Light Of Million Hope - 萬家燈火 (2003)
Love In Heaven - 天可憐見 (2005-2006)
Lost In Love - 大喜之家 (2000)
Love 18 - 逆風18 (2009)
Love and Again - 駁命老公追老婆 (2002)
Love Contract - 愛情合約 (2004)
Love Freely - 讓愛自由 (2007)
男才女貌2 - Love in the city 2 (2007)
Love Story And Fantasyland - 鏡花緣傳奇 (1999)

Magic Chef - 伙頭智多星 (2005)
Making of a Gentleman - 時到運來 (1989)
Man's Best Friend - 寵物情緣 (1999)
Mars - 戰神 (2004)
Mary Stayed Out All Night - 瑪麗外宿中 (2010)
Men in Pain - 男人之苦 (2006)
Meteor Garden - 流星花園 / II (2001) / (2002)
Mission In Trouble - 雄心密令 (2003)
Mr.Diana / Feminine Masculinity - 先生貴性 (1999)
Mutual Affection - 河東獅吼 (1996)
My Date With A Vampire I - 我和殭屍有個約會 I (1998)
My Date With A Vampire II - 我和殭屍有個約會 II (1999)
My Date With A Vampire III - 我和殭屍有個約會 III (2004)
My Depraved Brothers - 義本同心 (2007)
My Lucky Star - 放羊的星星 (2007)

Never Say A Better Love - 別說愛情苦 (2007)
Niang Qi - 娘妻 (2009)
Night Journey - 殭屍福星 (1996)
Nothing To Declare - 緝私群英 (1996)

Old Time Buddy - 難兄難弟 (1997) & Old Time Buddy 2 - To Catch A Thief - 神探李奇 (1998)
On The Edge - 灰網 (1991)
On The Track Or Off - 勇往直前 (2001)
Once Upon a Time in Shanghai - 新上海灘 (1996)
One Step Beyond - 老友鬼鬼 (1991)
One Sword - 一剑镇神州 (1978)
Our Beloved mother - 春天後母心 (1998)

Palm of Ru Lai - 如来神掌 (2004)
Personal Taste / Personal Preference - 個人的取向 (2010)
Phoenix From The Ashes - 浴火鳳凰 (2006)
Placebo Cure - 心理心裏有個謎 (2004)
Plain Love 1 - 情濃大地 (1995)
Point of No Return - 西關大少 (2003)
Police Cadet - 新紮師兄 (1984)
Police Cadet II - 新紮師兄續集 (1985)
Police Cadet III - 新紮師兄 (1988)
Princess Hours S / Goong Special - 宮 S (2007)

Qing Cheng Zhi Lian - 青城之戀 (2008)
Queen Seon Duk - 善德女王 (2009)

Racing Peak - 馬場大亨 (1993)
Rain In The Heart - 成功路上 (1990)
Reincarnated II - 天蠶變之再與天比高 (1993)
Revolving Doors of Vengeance - 酒店風雲 (2005)
Rise Of The Taiji Master - 武當張三豐 (1996)
Romance Beyond - 都市的童話 (1993)
Romance In The Rain - 情深深雨濛濛 (2001)
Romance of the White Hair Maiden - 白髮魔女傳 (1994)

Secret Battle Of The Majesty - 九王奪位 (1994)
Secret Of The Heart - 天地豪情 (1998)
Seed of Hope 俗世情真 (2003)
Screen Play - 娛樂反斗星 (2001)
Shade Of Darkness - 異度凶情 (1994)
Shades of Truth - 水滸無間道 (2005)
Shine On You - 青出於藍 (2004)
Silent Tears - 女人不哭 (2006)
Simply Ordinary - 林世榮 (1998)
Son From The Past - 子是故人來 (2004)
Spell Of The Fragrance - 国色天香 (2010)
Split Second - 爭分奪秒 (2004)
Star in My Heart - 星夢奇緣 (1997)
State 0f Divinity / The Smiling Proud Wanderer - 笑傲江湖 (2000)
Story Of Ah Shun - 阿信的故事
Strange Tales Of Liaozhai - 聊齋
Summer's Desire - 泡沫之夏 (2010)
Sungkyunkwan Scandal - 成均館緋聞 (2010)
Suspicious Three Brothers / Strange Brothers - 可疑的三兄弟 (2009)
Sword Stained With Royal Blood - 碧血劍 (1985)
Sword Stained With Royal Blood - 碧血劍 (2007)
Swordsman Lai Bo Yee - 尋龍劍俠賴布衣 (1994)

Tang's Female General Fan Lihua - 大唐女將樊梨花 (2010)
Temptation of Wife - 妻子的誘惑 (2008)
Ten Tigers Of Guangdong - 英雄之廣東十虎 (1999)
Tin Long Kip - 天狼劫 (1988)
The (New) Romantic Swordsman - 小李飛刀 (1995)
The Adventurers - 衝擊 (1980)
The Awakening Story - 婚前昏後 (2001)
The Breaking Point - 今生無悔 (1991)
The Blood Sword - 中華英雄 (1990)
The Brave Squad - 好女當差 (1985)
The Brother - 親情 (1980)
The Buddhism Palm Strikes Back - 如來神掌再戰江湖 (1993)
The Bund - 上海滩 (1983)
The Burning Rain - 暴雨燃燒 (1991)
The Bund II - 上海灘續集 (1983) & The Bund III - 上海灘龍虎鬥 (1980)
The Charm Beneath - 胭脂水粉 (2005)
The Commandments - 武林幸運星 (1991)
The Condor Heroes Return - 射鵰英雄傳之南帝北丐 (1994)
The Conqueror's Story - 楚漢驕雄 (2004)
The Conquest / Legend Of Heroic Duo - 爭霸傳奇 (2006)
The Cops Affairs - 大提琴與點三八 (1991)
The Cop's Story - 零點出擊 (1990)
The Disappearance - 隱形怪傑 (1997)
The Duke Of Mount Deer / Royal Tramp - 鹿鼎记 (1984)
The Emperor and I - 方世玉與乾隆皇 (1994)
The Fairies Of Liao Zhai / Liao Zhai Qi Nu Zi - 聊斋奇女子 (2007)
The Family Squad - 卡拉屋企 (1991)
The Formidable Lady From Shaolin - 少林與詠春 (1987)
The Fortune Teller - 賴布衣 (1983)
The Fortune Teller II - 賴布衣妙算玄機 (1983)
The Ghost Husband - 鬼丈夫 (1993)
The God And The Demons Of Zu Mountain - 蜀山奇俠I紫青雙劍 (1990)
The God And The Demons Of Zu Mountain 2 - 蜀山奇俠II仙侶奇緣 (1991)
The Good Old Days - 再見艷陽天 (1996)
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - 網中人 (1979)
The Great General - 碧血青天珍珠旗 (1994)
The Greatness of a Hero - 盛世仁傑 (2008)
The Greed of Man - 大時代 (1993)
The Handsome Siblings / Proud Of Twins / Amazing Twins - 小魚兒與花無缺 (2005)
The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber - 倚天屠龍記 (1993)
The Heavenly Sword and Dragon Sabre - 倚天屠龍記 (2000)
The Last Breakthrough - 天涯俠醫 (2004)
The Last Night Of Madurl Chin - 金大班 (2009)
The Legend of Bruce Lee - 李小龍傳奇 (2008)
The Legend of Chinese Zodiac - 十二生肖傳奇 (2010-2011)
The Legend of Dik Ching - 狄青 (1986)
The Legend of Hero - 中華英雄 (2005)
The Legend of Xiangshuai - 楚留香之香帥傳奇 (1995)
The Legendary Doctor Hur Jun - 醫道 (2000)
The Legendary Police Woman aka: Damo: The Undercover Lady Detective - 茶母 (2003)
The Legendary Rangers - 原振俠 (1993)
The Little Vagrant Lady - 飄零燕 (1996)
The Little Vagrant Lady 2 - 飄零燕II之孤星淚 (1996)
The Pride of Chaozhou - 我来自潮州 (1990)
The Last Conquest - 俠女游龍 (1993)
The Legendary Swordsman - 笑傲江湖 (2000)
The New Adventures of Chor Lau Heung - 楚留香之蝙蝠傳奇 (1984)
The New Adventures of Wisely - 衛斯理傳奇 (1998)
The New Heavenly Sword and Dragon Sabre - 倚天屠龍記 (1986)
The Ordeal Before the Revolution - 賊公阿牛 (1986)
The Outsiders - 鬥魚 (2004)
The Price of Growing Up - 生命之旅 (1987)
The Reincarnation of Wai - 摩登小寶 (1988)
The Return of Luk Siu Fung - 陸小鳳之鳳舞九天 (1986)
The Rough Ride - 挑戰 (1985)
The Saga of the Lost Kingdom - 贏單傳奇 (1988)
The Seasons - 季節 (1987)
The Shell Gurl - 千王之王 (1980)
The Shell Gurl 2 - 千王群英會 (1981)
The Spirit of Love - 精靈酒店 (1993)
The Survivor - 藍色風暴 (1991)
The Tai Chi Master - 太極宗師 (1997)
The Tattooed Flower - 梅花烙 (1994)
The Trail Of Love - 前世冤家 (1995)
The Turbulent Decade -黃金十年 (1986)
The Vampire Returns - 大頭綠衣鬥殭屍 (1993)
The Vigilante In The Mask - 怪俠一枝梅 (2004)
The Voyage Of Emperor Qian Long To Jiang Nan - 乾隆下江南 / 江南京華夢 (2003)
The War Heroes - 天變 (1989)
The White Flurl - 紅衣手記 (2002)
The Year of Chameleon - 97變色龍 (1997)
This Land is Mine - 風雲 (1980)
Thousand Years Of Love - 千年之愛 (2003)
Time Before Time - 大鬧廣昌隆 (1997)
To Get Unstuck In Time - 隔世追兇 (2004)
To Love With Love - 水餃皇后 (1995)
To Love With No Regrets - 足秤老婆八两夫 (2004)
To Where He Belongs - 縱橫天下 (2001)
Tokyo Juliet - 東方茱麗葉 (2006)
Treasure Raiders - 蕭十一郎 (2002)
Tree Of Heaven - 天國之樹 (2006)
Triumph In The Skies - 衝上雲霄 (2003)
Triumph Over Evil - 真命天師 (1997)

United We Stand - 生锈桥王 (1984)
Unnatural Born Killer - 十三密殺令 (1996)
Untraceable Evidence I - 鑑證實錄 I (1997)
Untraceable Evidence II - 鑑證實錄 II (1999)

Vampire Expert 1 - 殭屍道長 (1995)
Vampire expert 2 - 殭屍道長 II 靈幻道士 (1996)
Vengeance - 火玫瑰 (1992)
Vigilante Force - 智勇新警界 (2003)
Virtues of Harmony I - 皆大歡喜 (2001)
Virtues Of Harmony 2 - 皆大歡喜 (2003)

War of In-Laws - 我的野蠻奶奶 (2005)
Weapons Of Power - 英雄贵姓 (1997)
What happened in Bali - 巴厘島的故事 (2004)
When a Man Loves a Woman - 新同居關係 (1995)
Where The Legend Begins - 洛神 (2002)
Who is the Winner - 勝者為王 (1991)
Who is the Winner II - 勝者為王II 之天下無敵 (1992)
Who Ii the Winner 3 - 勝者為王III 之 王者之戰 (1993)
Why Did You Come to My House - 為什麼來我家 (2009)

YanHua SanYue - 烟花三月 (2008)
Yankee Boy - 回到唐山 (1989)
Yin Sh - 銀鼠 (2001)
Ying Ye 3 Jia 1 - 櫻野3加1 (2007)
Young Warriors Of The Yang Clan - 少年楊家將 (2007)
Young Master of Shaolin / Young Hero Fong Sai Yuk - 少年英雄方世玉 (1999)
Young Shi Yan Wen - 三劍奇緣 / 少年史艷文 (2003)

Nov 9, 2007
hi... anyone heard/have this series: Jin Da Ban http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1525728/ not sure whether it's out yet.. it says Sept 2009? @_@ looks interesting :)
Fixed here [CN-PM] Jin Da Ban / The Last Night Of Madame Chin - 金大班 (2009) [36/36] *COMPLETED*
Rise of the taiji master and The romantic swordsman 95
Fixed here [TVB-A] The (New) Romantic Swordsman - 小李飛刀 (1995) [10/20] *Cantonese*

But for Rise of the Taiji Master 武當張三豐 (1996) MdbChina Poster can only find online streaming (Mandarin) Alternative streaming & BT (Mandarin)
hey can you please upload the old series 一起喝采 aka all about boy'z in ddl format?
Fixed here [TVB-M] All About Boy'z & TWINS - 一起喝彩 (2004) [10/10]
Does anyone have the korean drama YI SAN in cantonese language ?
Thanks in advance :)
Hasn't aired in Canto yet. But there is a Mando dub out on DVD out @YesAsia. But there's no sign of a rip of it either.. Guess will need to wait a bit longer for it?

Keywords for search @Google later:
* 正祖大王‧李算 粵語
* 正祖大王 粵語


New Member
Dec 25, 2006
Fei Mao Xun Qin Ji (ATV) - Kent Cheng

Can someone upload ATV series Fei Ma Xun Qin Ji starring Kent Cheng as FatCat?
New Member
Mar 18, 2007

this my first request. I have been searching for this series for a very very long time.
the series is call 勝者為王 "whos the winner". It have 3 parts. i am looking for part 1 and 2.
if anyone have it please help me out. I am dying to watch this again.
New Member
Sep 23, 2007
[精灵酒店] [粤语] any have??
its a series from 93 feat. nadia chan and frankie lam.
the english name is call " The spirit of love"
Thank a million in advance!!! =D
New Member
Aug 23, 2007
Tvb电视剧【亲情】is the drama series i am looking and searching................anyone out there who had this drama.....i pray that pleassssssssse upload it.thanksssssssss.........this drama in i1980 cast is dodo cheng ,fatt chai, simon yam, shek kin.....kuan hoi shan............please share.thanks#
New Member
Aug 23, 2007
do you have The Brother親情 starring dodo cheng and chow yuen fatt
thanks in advance
May 16, 2008
Been looking for this series "Love and Again 駁命老公追老婆". Will greatly appreciate it if someone can be so kind as to upload this. Thanks in advance!
New Member
Aug 4, 2008


i want to see this one badly
New Member
Dec 14, 2006
do anyone have Korean Drama "Glass Slippers" cantonese/korean language? Thanks in advance! highly appreciated!!!
New Member
Feb 10, 2008
Hi, do you might have ATV "A Man Who Lives Twice" 再續隔世情 also known as 一屋兩鬼三人行?

I'd really want to see this! Thanks in advance!
Dec 1, 2006
ANY HAS THE TVB JUSTICE SUNG II in cantonese...ive been looking for it everywhere but can only find the mandrin version
New Member
Sep 16, 2007
HI, i was wondering if anyone had the series "State of Divinity 2000" in cantonese audio i really want to watch this series but i can not find it anywhere.
